The most important information about Customer Identity and Access Management at a glance.

The most important information about Customer Identity and Access Management at a glance.
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There are currently 6 budgies in this directory beginning with the letter F.
Face recognition
Face recognition is a biometric authentication method. Like passwords or PIN numbers, face recognition is intended to identify the respective person.

FIDO Alliance
The FIDO ("Fast IDentity Online") Alliance is an industry consortium founded in February 2013 to develop open and license-free standards for worldwide password-free authentication. This has resulted in the currently important standards FIDO2, WebAuthn and CTAP, among others.

FIDO U2F is a 2-factor authentication standard and the predecessor of CTAP (Client to Authenticator Protocol)

FIDO2 is composed of CTAP and WebAuthn and standardizes the passwordless identification of a user.

The fingerprint is a biometric authentication method. Like passwords or PIN numbers, the fingerprint is intended to identify the respective person.

Fraud Detection
Identity theft is a major threat on any digital service. Fraud Detection detects suspicious behaviour and fraudulent actions in real time and initiates countermeasures.