Workforce IAM – The Evolution which is a Revolution: The Impact of CIAM on WIAM

For many years, Identity & Access Management (IAM) systems in companies were focused on the internal organization, the employees and the access to internal company software systems and possibly other resources.

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Branded User Experience – Login UI in your own design with cidaas Hosted Pages 

A well-designed login experience is not only functional, but also an essential part of your company's brand identity. With cidaas ...

Seamless integration of OAuth 2.1 with cidaas

Authentication and authorization of users is an essential part of modern web applications. In this blog post, we will explore ...

6 trends in (customer) identity & access management for 2024: a comprehensive insight

In the ever faster evolving digital world, (Customer) Identity & Access Management is central to a seamless and secure user ...

Fine sand – why many CIAM installations require finer authorization

In recent years, many companies have successfully modernized both their internal access management systems (AM) for employees and their access ...

Passwordless authentication – the future of logging in

In the ever-changing digital world, online identity security is playing an increasingly important role. Account takeover, i.e. the hacking of ...
Online Access Act - implementation made easy with a powerful Customer Identity & Access Management

Online Access Act – implementation made easy with a powerful Customer Identity & Access Management

The Online Access Act (OZG) and its ongoing development (OZG Amendment Act) are important milestones in the digitalization of German ...

Two-factor authentication: when does it become a requirement?

Currently, the use of authentication methods is voluntary in many cases, which often leads to the additional security mechanisms being ...
NIS2 - Network and Information Security

NIS2 – the future of cybersecurity in the EU: what companies need to know now

The European Union has adopted a new directive - NIS2. But what exactly does NIS2 regulate and who is affected? ...

The shift from on-premise to cloud-based IAM solutions: Trends in Identity & Access Management (IAM) 

In today's digital world, Identity & Access Management (IAM) is crucial to ensure the security and smooth running of business ...

Workforce IAM – The Evolution which is a Revolution: The (R)evolution of Workforce IAM 

Implementing (Workforce) Identity & Access Management (IAM) is no longer just an option for enterprises today, but an absolute necessity ...

Workforce IAM – The Evolution which is a Revolution: The Impact of CIAM on WIAM  

Find out more about Workforce IAM in our new blog series. In the first part, you will find out what ...

The revDPA in Switzerland: A new era of data protection & how Customer Identity & Access Management can support. 

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and with it the legal regulations that affect businesses and user data. One such ...