API-Security and API Management

Protect endpoints with OpenID Connect and OAuth2.0

API-Security and API Management

How does API security work and and why is it so important now?

Through APIs (interfaces), data and information can be retrieved, transmitted or actions can be triggered. With the development towards micro-service architectures, virtualisation and the Internet of Things, interfaces and thus strong API security have become essential. In the course of digitization and the increase in cyber crime, interface security is an essential component for the protection of applications, data and users. With OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect you achieve transparency, control and protection of your endpoints. When each interface is accessed, it is checked whether the user or the system is authenticated, i.e. known and authorized.

How does API security work and and why is it so important now?
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API security through OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect

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More transparency through API management

cidaas access management

Up to Date with Cloud Identity and Access Management

Advantages & benefits
Api-security and api-management

Api security through oauth2.0 and openid connect

OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect are the de facto standards for Identity and Access Management. The knowledge value for endpoint security via these standards is that as soon as a user has authenticated himself, an access token is issued. This access token contains user information such as which groups the user belongs to, which roles the user has and what scopes the client the user is using has.

All the above information defines whether the call that the user makes is authorized. With cidaas you secure your interfaces with the de facto standards. For each call, cidaas checks whether the token is valid, whether the scopes for the called endpoint apply, and whether the user has the required authorizations.

Api security through oauth2.0 and openid connect
More transparency through api-management

More transparency through api-management

With Micro-Services and Internet of Things, the number of APIs has grown rapidly. Since scopes for all these endpoints also need to be carefully and constantly updated, API management is required. With cidaas you can easily provision your scopes that have been removed or added to the APIs.

Up to date with cloud identity and access management

With cidaas, as Identity and Access Management as a Service, you always get the latest versions and enhancements. With cidaas you do not have to worry about maintenance and operation and benefit directly from new functions.

Up to date with cloud identity and access management

The importance of API security and API management

API-Security - Schnittstellen mit cidaas absichern für sensible Daten in der Medizin



Digitalization in the healthcare sector is advancing rapidly. Even the interaction with patients will become more digital in the future. Due to the sensitive medical data, interface security is a central tool for protection. With cidaas you can achieve comprehensive, strong API security in just a few steps.

API-Security - Schnittstellen absichern mit cidaas für Banken, Versicherungen, FinTechs

Financial service

Financial service

Services such as online banking, the insurance portal, various apps and mobile payment are already actively used applications for many customers. In order to implement end-to-end API security via front and backend, cidaas can be easily integrated into existing systems.

API-Security mit cidaas - Schnittstellen in der Industrie 4.0 richtig schützen



With Industry 4.0 and the increased sharing of collaborative applications, the need for comprehensive API management and strong API security, as enabled by cidaas, has emerged.

cidaas API-Security zum Schutz der Kundendaten im Handel - für sichere Schnittstellen



Retailers are creating new digital services for their customers in order to constantly expand and personalize the shopping experience. Both in the store and at home, the digital services serve to enhance customer loyalty. Ensure strong security of your customer data worthy of protection through endpoint security, bot net detection and other mechanisms offered by cidaas.

API-Security für Freizeitanbieter, um alle digitalen Services richtig abzusichern

Leisure providers

Leisure providers

Digitalization offers many new possibilities for the organisation of leisure activities. New services and new endpoints are emerging. These must be protected. Use cidaas for your API management and endpoint security.

cidaas API-Security ist wichtig für alle Branchen - denn die vernetzte Welt hat begonnen und digitale Services sind nicht mehr wegzudenken

Other sectors

Other sectors

All organizations are becoming more digital. They offer new services to reach customers and win their loyalty. With cidaas you create modern services while maintaining control over your APIs.

API security in various business sectors

API security in various business sectors

Business to Business

For B2B customers, collaboration portals, e-commerce platforms and many other services have been developed for successful cooperation and strong customer relationships. These services must be secured, which makes API security indispensable.

Business to Consumer/ Customer

The digital interactions with customers are constantly being innovated through new concepts, ideas and models. Through these digital services, users become loyal customers. All these services require interface security. With cidaas you can protect your interfaces and create even more security through many other functions such as passwordless authentication

Business to Employee

The digitalization and automation of business processes created many new endpoints. In the connected world, the number of interfaces will continue to grow rapidly, especially through the Internet of Things. This makes it more important to have control over your interfaces. With cidaas you achieve transparency and control with cidaas API management and comprehensive API security. Complemented by other cidaas features such as multi-factor authentication and integrated fraud detection, you can ensure strong security.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an access token?

Access Tokens are used in token-based authentication. This means, access Tokens are used to make calls to an API and check whether the call is authorized. These are trusted objects that must be encrypted both during transmission and storage. If a user is successfully authenticated, a valid token is issued via a so-called token endpoint.

What is a scope?

Scopes are added to a security layer for an application. As soon as a user logs in with a client, a token is issued. This token contains the scopes that the client is permitted to use. This means that if a token is used to request another endpoint, cidaas checks whether the caller has the necessary permissions to use this endpoint.

What is OpenID Connect?

OpenID Connect is based on OAuth2.0. Both OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect have become the industry standards in Identity and Access Management. Over these standards Identity Provider can be integrated simply into applications, Single Sign-On can be created and by them also interfaces can be secured. cidaas follows these de facto standards and is OpenID Connect certified.

Frequently Asked Questions
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cidaas – Cloud Identity & Access Management (Cloud IAM)

  • Focus on user-friendly management of digital identities in any form
  • Unique, secure user experience with modern 2-factor authentication
  • GDPR-compliant, customisable consent management