Group Admin UI
Manages groups easily with the delegated user administration capabilities of the cidaas Group Management and the Group Admin UI.
Manage Users
The cidaas Group Management and the Group Admin UI enable an easy and convenient delegated user administration for various use cases. Be it B2B scenarios in which business owners manage their employees, family & friends scenarios in which parents manage their children or business scenarios in which an application owners can manage the users of their applications. Group Admins have the option to see, edit, add/invite and delete users of their group. This also includes the user information, the verification status of email and mobile number and mobile number and much more.
Invite and Delete Users
User groups change rapidly, and users leave or join a group, for example in the case of a B2B use case employees might leave or join a company and need to be added to the company group.
Due to this dynamic environment, a delegated user administration is essential and allows an easy self administration by the business owner. Business owners need to be able to invite and add new users or delete users from the group easily and self-determined. This feature does not only excites the customers but also reduces the support and administrative efforts for the provider.
Manage Roles and Permissions
The delegated user administration is not only about the management of users, but also about the management of roles and permissions of the users within the context of a group. In the context of a B2B scenario customers want to manage the roles and permissions of their employees, e.g. in a B2B shop some employees might be entitle to order while others are only allowed to view the invoices and order history.
The cidaas Group Management and the Group Admin UI provide group admins with extensive user management capabilities including the feature to manage the roles and permissions of a user within the group. This completes the delegated user administration.

cidaas – Cloud Identity & Access Management (Cloud IAM)
- Focus on user-friendly management of digital identities in any form
- Unique, secure user experience with modern 2-factor authentication
- GDPR-compliant, customizable consent management