CIAM for Software as a Service

CIAM for Software-as-as-Service (SaaS) providers - from single sign-on to B2B group management to IdP integration.

Software-as-a-Service providers who already rely on cidaas

Identity & Access Management for Software as a Service

Customer Identity & Access Management (CIAM), i.e., the administration of users, accesses and more, is one of the most important challenges that Software as a Service (SaaS) providers have to solve, and even more so can and must use as a unique selling point. Single Sign-On in Software as a Service is only the starting point, functionalities around user administration in B2B business like a comprehensive group management to manage the customer or the integration of identity providers of the customer are equally important. As the leading European Cloud Identity & Access Management, cidaas offers a feature-complete platform with which innovative SaaS providers can easily implement these requirements.

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Customer Identity & Access Management and Customer Experience become Attractive Qualities for Software as a Service Provider

Customer Identity & Access Management and Customer Experience become Attractive Qualities for Software as a Service Provider

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Success Factors for Software as a Service (SaaS) Provider – Customer Identity & Access Management with Group Management and Integration of Identity Providers (IdPs)

Success Factors for Software as a Service (SaaS) Provider – Customer Identity & Access Management with Group Management and Integration of Identity Providers (IdPs)

Software as a Service and the free trial

A free trial period or long-term free entry-level offers have long been a proven means for Software as a Service providers to win customers and convince them of their service. On the one hand, this creates trust in future customers and gives them the opportunity to test and experience the offer themselves. On the other hand, it is a good way of generating leads, users who have registered for the test period can now be tracked and acquired in a structured way. The basis for all of this is modern Customer Identity & Access Management (CIAM). On the one hand, it offers user management including the option of inviting teammates to test accounts, but with consent management it also creates the basis for recording user consent and so on to plan further marketing measures.

The free trial period with a modern CIAM as lead generation for software-as-a-service providers.
Delegated user administration and B2B group management are important features of a CIAM for SaaS providers.

B2B Group Management for SaaS Solutions

Software as a Service is often a B2B business, so while Single Sign-On is important for the user experience of the individual user, self-management of their own users is just as important for companies. This brings the topic of delegated user administration or group management into focus. The customer of a SaaS provider is often not the individual user but a company, i.e., a group that is managed by several administrators. Companies want to be able to add new colleagues to the Software as a Service account quickly and easily or remove them independently if a colleague leaves. The intuitive group management from cidaas is the perfect solution for this and complements functions such as Single Sign-On or Multi-Factor Authentication as part of the CIAM platform.

Single Sign-On through the integration of the customer IdP

Bring-your-own-identity is not just a buzzword but is often part of everyday life in B2B business and an important requirement for Software as a Service providers. Companies that use Enterprise Identity & Access Management (EIAM) to manage their own employees and their authorizations to a wide range of applications and services also require SaaS providers to integrate their own EIAM as an Identity Provider (IdP). In this way, the company can also enable a Single Sign-On via the Software as a Service and centrally manage the authorizations of its own employees. This means that the integration of IdPs, especially in combination with comprehensive group management for SaaS providers, is becoming increasingly important.

 IdP-Integration to easily integrate customer Single-Sign-On (SSO)
cidaas Payment & Subscription to link CIAM and Payment and Subscription Management.

Payments and subscriptions linked to identity management

The customers of the Software as a Service provider are already part of the Customer Identity & Access Management as users or groups (companies), which is why a close coupling between the Customer Identity & Access Management and the administration of payments and subscriptions is necessary. With the cidaas Payment & Subscription Feature, SaaS providers easily link Payment and Subscription Management Services with their Customer Identity & Access Management and thus create a uniform identity across all channels and a consistent view of your customers. The link can be easily integrated into the authorization management system, and cross-selling and up-selling opportunities can be easily presented.

cidaas - Cloud Identity & Access Management (Cloud IAM)

cidaas – Cloud Identity & Access Management (Cloud IAM)

  • Focus on user-friendly management of digital identities in any form
  • Unique, secure user experience with modern 2-factor authentication
  • DSGVO-compliant, individualizable consent management