cidaas Features

Blog 2: Branded User Experience - Login UI in your own design with cidaas Hosted Pages 

Branded User Experience – Login UI in your own design with cidaas Hosted Pages 

A well-designed login experience is not only functional, but also an essential part of your company’s brand identity. With cidaas Hosted Pages, you can perfectly customize the user interfaces and flows from the login to the password forgotten page to the registration and offer a seamless user experience.

Branded User Experience – Login UI in your own design with cidaas Hosted Pages  Read More »

Fine sand - why many CIAM installations require finer authorization

Fine sand – why many CIAM installations require finer authorization

In recent years, many companies have successfully modernized both their internal access management systems (AM) for employees and their access from web applications and SaaS services as well as their customer identity and access management (CIAM) to secure customer access to the eServices and services offered.

Fine sand – why many CIAM installations require finer authorization Read More »

Online Access Act - implementation made easy with a powerful Customer Identity & Access Management

Online Access Act – implementation made easy with a powerful Customer Identity & Access Management

The Online Access Act (OZG) and its ongoing development (OZG Amendment Act) are important milestones in the digitalization of German administration. It obliges federal, state and local authorities to offer their services digitally in the future.

Online Access Act – implementation made easy with a powerful Customer Identity & Access Management Read More »

The shift from on-premise to cloud-based IAM solutions: Trends in Identity & Access Management (IAM)

The shift from on-premise to cloud-based IAM solutions: Trends in Identity & Access Management (IAM) 

In today’s digital world, Identity & Access Management (IAM) is crucial to ensure the security and smooth running of business processes. Companies are faced with the choice between traditional on-premise solutions and innovative cloud-based IAM systems, also known as Identity as a Service (IDaaS).

The shift from on-premise to cloud-based IAM solutions: Trends in Identity & Access Management (IAM)  Read More »

Workforce IAM – The Evolution which is a Revolution: The (R)evolution of Workforce IAM

Workforce IAM – The Evolution which is a Revolution: The (R)evolution of Workforce IAM 

Implementing (Workforce) Identity & Access Management (IAM) is no longer just an option for enterprises today, but an absolute necessity. In a digital world where cyber threats are constantly increasing and data protection regulations are becoming stricter, a robust IAM system is the key to security and efficiency.

Workforce IAM – The Evolution which is a Revolution: The (R)evolution of Workforce IAM  Read More »

Digital identity verification - anywhere, anytime

Digital identity verification – anywhere, anytime 

In an increasingly digitized world where online transactions and the transmission of sensitive data are obvious digital identity security is becoming an ever greater challenge. Digital identity verification plays a crucial role in preventing fraud and identity theft. In our new blog series about digital identity verification, we will delve into the topic regarding different aspects as well as explain what it is all about and what role our product, the cidaas ID validator, plays in this.   

Digital identity verification – anywhere, anytime  Read More »

Bots vs. captchas - Not as secure as everyone thinks? Bots solve captchas faster & better than humans.

Bots vs. captchas – Not as secure as everyone thinks? Bots solve captchas faster & better than humans.

One of the studies shows that bots are now faster and more accurate at resolving captchas than a person. Thus, it can be concluded that the technology no longer achieves its intended purpose of protecting against (malicious) bots.

Bots vs. captchas – Not as secure as everyone thinks? Bots solve captchas faster & better than humans. Read More »