IAM/ CIAM and Cloud IAM

What is hidden behind these acronyms?​

Trust, security and user satisfaction play a crucial role in the digital world. With identity management, companies can address these factors quickly, easily and efficiently.

IAM/ CIAM and Cloud IAM

What is an IAM/ CIAM/ Cloud IAM?

In general, a C/CLOUD IAM is a platform for the simple and secure management of digital identity and profile data. The difference is explained here exactly:

Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Management of any internal user

  • Focus on the management of digital identities of internal employees
  • Quick, easy and uncomplicated adjustment of identity and access control
  • Provides an ideal user experience for your employees/authorised access
Customer Identity & Access Management (CIAM)

Customer Identity & Access Management (CIAM)

Management of external users

  • Emphasis of identity management is on customers and partners
  • Improvement of the customer journey
  • Easier and faster access to digital channels
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Cloud Identity & Access Management (Cloud IAM)

  • Focus on the management of digital identities of external and internal users
  • Adaptation of identity and access rules
  • Provides a seamless user experience
  • Simplifying the control of data access

Areas of application of a
Cloud IAM for different departments


  • Driving digitisation forward in companies​
  • End-to-end, centralised management platform for all digital stakeholder identities​
  • Provision of a dedicated instant access to Applications/ data for employees​​

IT Manager/ CIO

  • Highest security of digital identities through established standards
  • Detection of fraudulent activities in real time
  • Centralised registration system for the easier Handling of numerous accesses
  • Rapid integration of additional services

Marketing/ Sales ​​​

  • Reduction of the customer bounce rate through simple & modern authentication methods
  • GDPR-compliant consent management
  • Offer customers a personalised shopping experience
  • 360° customer view: detailed reports on customer behaviour

The right decision for your company

Not only customers are becoming more and more demanding because of digitalisation, so are the company’s own employees. Access to the necessary systems/documents should always be guaranteed, quickly and easily – always with a focus on the user experience.

You have already dealt with the topic of IAM / CIAM and now you want to evaluate which factors are important when deciding on Identity and Access Management?​

The right decision for your company
The ideal solution for your company

The ideal solution for your company

  • Manage all digital identities (internal and external)
  • Abolition of identity/data silos
  • Create personalised customer journeys
  • Offer employees, customers and partners modern login options
  • Highest security​
  • Coverage of the latest compliance standards on data protection and security