Extension for Typo3 login with cidaas

Cidaas announces its integration capability as a login provider to popular Content Management System Typo3. Users who are looking at Typo3 – a flexible yet powerful CMS, can now enjoy the features of a secure, scalable and feature rich Cloud based Identity Management System – cidaas.

Typo3 CMS has been gaining grounds as flexibility and scalable enterprise-grade CMS. While looking at these solutions it becomes essential to evaluate secure Identity Management and Storage. It becomes essential to guard data privacy and compliance with standards. This is where cidaas – a Cloud-based Identity and Access System comes in.

cidaas can integrate seamlessly as a login provider, with extensions available on Typo3 Marketplace. To find one, all you need to do is search for cidaas in Typo3 Marketplace. Customers needing integration sign up with cidaas to get unique ClientID Reference. This can be then used in Typo3 extensions to now enable cidaas as Identity provider. More details with samples are provided on our Typo3 feature page or in the cidaas documentation.

Securing a CMS involves authentication and authorizing during every request. Cidaas offers this once it is configured with Typo3. Several modes of integrations allow cidaas and Typo3 to manage session state and authorized access to content. Various levels of consent requests can be delivered to end-users, simply by configuring in related cidaas account.

Immediately after integration, the CMS users can realize various types of login including most popular social providers like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and many more. What more is that one can enable Multi-Factor Authentication or Passwordless access with just change in configuration with cidaas system.

Cidaas is built on standard protocols and supports OAuth2.0, OpenID Connect and many more such auth standards. Under the hood, several Fraud Detection System keeps a watch on unsolicited activities when cidaas is integrated.

With cidaas gaining grounds as open standards-based Identity solution and Typo3 becoming one of the most popular open CMS, Customers can get the best of both worlds without needing to worry on the effort of integration. Commoditized Identity Management solution is gaining grounds allowing solutions to comply with GDPR and other such data privacy and standards without much effort.

You can find the cidaas extension for Typo3 in the Extensions Repository

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