Lecture: The customer is king – never before has been the importance of this ancient wisdom so great as today!

Digitization drives a change process that is fueled by the desire for more personalization and automation of the users. The authentication of users, their devices, and expectations are basic criteria for success or failure and are often not met. In this context, the greatly increased number of networked devices in the Internet of Things brings difficulty and opportunity in one. This lecture will explain how customer identity management with e.g. Device management, and single sign-on is able to meet the customer’s expectations, provide context-based personalized content and services.

The lecture will be held on February 21, 2017, as a part of Bitkom’s software architecture work-group meet. The topic of the event is “Who am I?” Different authentication techniques in the IT world.

We look forward to meeting you in person and to the many interesting conversations thereafter! Would you like to learn more? Just send us a message!

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