The right game tactics for supporting your fans digitally


Digitization is progressing across various industries at an ever increasing pace – including the world of sports. The Digital Market offers sports fans a host of channels to access services and offerings from their favorite club. But to excite fans today and to provide personalized attention throughout the game, a quick and above all, convenient access to the digital offerings and services is a must.

Improving the “Fan Experience” has become the core of the brand strategy for the sports and entertainment industry. Only those who can excite their fans can retain them.

The biggest challenge here is probably the overflow of data, caused by the variety of interactions that fans can perform today. This almost infinite amount of information is already gathered in most cases today, but unfortunately often in different data buckets. To put it in the language of a coach: it’s like training each player of your team individually and letting the team play as one whole team, only when the right time comes. With this tactic a game can be won badly. However, if you train everyone together, the world looks completely different.

If you apply this scenario now to the world of data, you can not ignore identity and access management. Such a software – preferably cloud-based – offers an intelligent solution for the various fan support stations throughout the course of a game.

The infographic shows how the right tactics for taking care of fans could practically look like:

Infografik Spieltaktik EN

Ticket purchase

A fan informs himself in advance of a game about quota and prices of tickets, and would like to order them right away online in the ticket shop. With cidaas the fan registers quickly and easily via social login registration into the online shop. The single sign-on function allows the user to access all contents and services after a one-time login, across all portals. In accordance with the EU GDPR, he gives his consent to the use of his data during the ordering process. This information is stored by cidaas. If the fan thinks differently over time, he can adjust his preferences of data usage through the self-service option.

Shop offers

If a fan is a real fan, he would want to be well-provided accordingly. Personalized offers can increase sales of merchandise or special game offers. Data collected through email campaigns, advertising platforms or ticket purchases can be used to create a complete fan profile using big data technologies. This now contributes to the fact that organizers can align offers to individual needs and interests of the fans and thus not only improve customer journey, but also increase their own sales.

Access control to the stadium on the day of the game

Physical access control is the linchpin of a fan’s customer experience, especially at sports events – because who likes to stand in a queue for hours? With the physical access control function, cidaas offers an intelligent solution for access control to the stadium, but also inside the building, such as access to the VIP area. Authentication is based on the physical identity of a person. Different access rights can be assigned – secure and with reduced time and costs. Various methods of multi-factor authentication using Biometrics are available, for e.g. Face recognition, speech recognition, or Touch ID.

Visit to the fan shop before the game begins

The fans are now in the stadium-can the organizer can lean back? No way! On entering the stadium, the “Fan experience” begins. With the help of WiFi, beacons or apps, the digital fan now gets a real identity and can be directly provided with information on his smartphone, like e.g. about special offers in the fan shop or about special food and beverage offers during the game. The organizer benefits not only from higher sales, but also from detailed reports on customer traffic, the most visited areas of fan shops, as well as customer interest and behavior.

Intelligent identity and access management is a must for every club

Intelligent identity and access management is therefore a must for the sports and entertainment industry. Our Customer Identity Management solution cidaas includes all the necessary functionalities for managing user identities in digital business processes.Our cloud service is cross-platform and can be quickly and easily integrated into existing processes. Obviously, you can continue to use your current user authentication.

Do you want to learn more about cidaas? If so, contact us today at 07044 – 95 103 200 or at

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