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Thank you for booking with us! cidaas is the optimal solution for fast and secure identity management. Thanks to cidaas you create one identity per user across all your channels. Based on OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect standards, cidaas offers strong API security and with integrated Bot Net Detection and Fraud Detection a secure journey across all your business channels.
A great start our blogs and news
- Why LDAP has become obsolete: Cidaas, with its IAM as a modern alternative, offers a future-proof solution for authentication and access management. More..
- Modern data exchange between systems: Why iPaaS is the futureDiscover why iPaaS is the future of data exchange: flexible, efficient & use case-oriented. Make your systems fit for the future!
- cidaas is pleased to announce its new partnership with Consulteer InCyber, a specialized Managed Service Provider (MSSP).
- CampConnect – discover the latest trends in guest management and learn how to successfully implement digital transformation in the camping, hotel and hospitality industry.