cidaas Servicepakete Preise

Digital identity verification made easy.

The cidaas ID validator offers a fully automated digital identity verification via video legitimation. The cidaas ID validator relies on innovative artificial intelligence (AI). Best identity verification at the best price!

Card Validation
arp 1622621600 pricing table165 31,50 € / Validation
  • Automated ID card check
  • Badge recognition
  • ID document check
  • Reading out the badge data
  • API or SDK integration
  • No real-time check
  • Fraud detection
  • Perfect for the verification of identity documents

Ident Validation
arp 1622621599 pricing table165 12,50 € / Validation
  • Automated digital identity verification
  • Badge recognition
  • ID document check
  • Face recognition and matching
  • Liveness Detection
  • Real-time audit
  • Fraud detection
  • Perfect for all use cases without special legal framework conditions

Legal Validation
arp 1622621600 pricing table165 34,50 € / Validation
  • Automated digital identity verification
  • Badge recognition
  • ID document check
  • Face recognition and matching
  • Liveness Detection
  • Real-time audit
  • Fraud detection
  • eIDAS compliant
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The Identity Platform – which makes your life easier.

With cidaas, you can surprise your customers, partners, and employees with excellent authentication and authorization convenience. With comprehensive features, you can offer your users an exceptional user experience, personalized interactions, and secure access to your services. Learn more about Single Sign-On, Passwordless Authentication, Consent Management, Know Your Customer and Real World Identification.




Passwordless authentications / week



